Are you about to move to another state? There are so many things that need planning and implanting. An additional required list for the moving nurse includes acquiring your nursing license from another state. I have my Connecticut and Texas license already, and soon Nevada as well. Before you fill out the application for either the job or the license, you will want to print out some other paperwork first.
#1 Licenses
Either print out or save a PDF of your current license(s). The availability of a copy will be essential for updating your resume. The license number and expire dated are the two pieces of information needed on the resume and aren’t commonly memorized. They will be submitted to the board of nursing and the new job.
#2 Certificates
The certificates mentioned here includes BSL, ACLS, any certifications in specialties such as Medical-Surgical, or Oncology. A printout or at least a PDF will be easier to submit and keep for reference.
#3 Diplomas
When applying for the license, they want a copy of your diploma from the school that you received your nursing degree. I sent proof of both my Associates and my Bachelor. I then photocopied the certificates and placed them in a folder in case it was needed later during the employment process.
#4 My Marriage Certificate
Some of my earlier paperwork, such as my diploma have my maiden name, not my current legal married name. As a precaution, I copied my marriage certificate to provide proof of the name change, just in case.
Some of these items were easier than others to track down; with that in mind, either keep a copy, save it in a particular folder digital or physical, keep them together.