You made it through nursing school, you graduated, and now you are sitting in front of a computer screen waiting to start the NCLEX.
#1 Take advantage of bathroom/water breaks.
The test has the potential to run between 75 and 265 questions with a time allotment of six hours. When you sit down, you can be there between two hours to the full six hours—breaks given when you reach two hours and then again at the three and half-hour mark. Take advantage of these breaks. After two hours of answering questions and staring at the screen, give yourself a break, take a walk, go to the bathroom, and get a drink of water. The pause allows you to view the screen with somewhat fresh eyes.
#2 Utilize the white board.
When sitting down, you will get a small whiteboard and marker. Use this. If you’re stuck on a problem, work through it, write it down, take notes, and work through it. Math problems are a great example. I remember that my last question was about fetal monitoring. Right off the bat, I read the item and jotted down the acronym VEAL CHOP. When the two words written down, it reads out; Variable deceleration and Cord compression, early deceleration and head compression, acceleration and OK and reassuring, late deceleration, and problem. This acronym written down answered my question and finished my NCLEX.
#3 Take your time.
Take your time, don’t rush, and read the question, re-read the question. The NCLEX is not the time to rush or speed through the item. You have the six hours, as much as you don’t want to stay there for the entire time, make use of it. You are not able to go back to the question, with one chance to answer the problem try to make the best choice.
#4 Breath.
Breath. If you hit a hard question, take a breath. Remember to yes, take the exam seriously, but take the time to relax for a second and recenter. You will reach the end of the exam.
When the screen goes black, the test is complete, then the waiting game begins. Good luck, you will make it through it.