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Advantage of becoming a Member of a Nursing Organization

Did you enjoy being part of a club in high school or college? I did. In high school, I was a member of FFA and participated in activities, state-level contests, and days at the capital. In college, I became a member of the Student Nursing Association, and I loved it, the meetings, the conventions, and the communities. So as an adult, of course, I’m going to become a member of a Nursing group. As a nurse, I am a member of the American Nursing Association and the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nursing. So why should every nurse become a member of a group? Well, I’m glad you asked.

Resume builder

Your resume is one place to let your membership shine. It’s a way to show that you enjoy the community and are a well-rounded nurse, more than someone who comes into the hospital to work and go home. Membership shows potential employers that you are interested in growing in your profession. Even when transferring between units in the same hospital, an updated resume is essential.

Peer-reviewed Papers and the Up-to-date information

Most of the groups provide monthly or quarterly publications or journals. The journal contains up-to-date information on various topics relevant to the nursing field. Medical-Surgical has articles on early mobility, COPD, delirium assessments, orthopedic education, and strokes. These articles are the most recent pieces of information out there, and they’re delivered to your mailbox. You can use the articles as a reference for a paper or evidence to change your unit. Two or more of the article also have CE attached to them, which are usually free to members. The member reads the article and either fills out and mails in a questionnaire or goes online and receives CE. Every state has its requirements; CT doesn’t require any, TX is 20 hours of CE in two years, and NV is 30 hours.


Most groups provide an annual conference. The conference will usually have a theme. Many hospitals will compensate nurses some or all of the cost to attend, including hotel, tickets, and sometimes a meal allowance. These conferences move locations from Phoenix, AR, one year to Orlando, FL, and all over. A forum is an excellent place to network, gather information, make contacts, earn a substantial amount of CE. A weekend at a conference could add up to 50 or more hours of CE. The itinerary gives a list of speakers throughout the day and usually a vendor exhibit. I have gone to Conferences, and from 2020 to 2022, I miss going to a live one. The online ones aren’t the same.

Other Opportunities

You can find other opportunities on their website, job postings from around the country or world, discounts on their products, including T-shirts, pens, notebooks, pins and books, certification programs, and awards to their members as well.

I only mention two organizations here, but just about every specialty has its own, from Orthopedics, Pediatrics, Critical Care, etc. Any member can be as hands-on or hands-off as they want in the organization. So are you a member of a group or interested in becoming one?

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