After I completed Nursing school, the next big buzz that prevailed around the class is when to apply for jobs. There are two ways to tackel this either before taking NCLEX or wait until after passing the NCLEX. I waited. I scheduled, took the NCLEX, and waited until I had my license. But there are pros and cons to both ways.
My way, of obtaining my license than looking for a job, was one less thing to stress out about. On my resume, my license information and the expiration date were there, instead of pending. I was able to apply, interview, and accept a job, I didn’t have to wait for the results to an already stressful test. The test, by itself, is enough stress. The con is waiting to apply. When I took my NCLEX, I had moved from Connecticut to Texas and worked in retail. I passed the NCLEX in August, held my license as a Registered Nurse in both states by September. I began to apply to different positions in October, interviewed in November and started my job in my cohort in January. There was nearly a six-month gap between having my license and having a job.
On the other hand, those classmates of mine with a techition positions while in school already had a job waiting for them as soon as the email stated “Congratulations.” Classmates of mine and new graduates who were hired as a nurse waiting to take the NCLEX during orientation had to study while learning a new job and position. Most new grads pass, but there seems to be at least one in every group that unfortunately does not pass the exam. No judgment on that individual, its a completely random test, a missed questions in your weak spot will plague the test taker. These new nurses usually take on a position of tech until they can pass the NCLEX then continue the orientation.
There are pros and cons to each situation. The new graduate can take either route in the journey to becoming a nurse. There are no wrong answers here. Only a matter of time and a matter of stress. Which did you choose or feel you will choose? Which came first the license or the job?