It’s been two years since I started my nursing career. The past two years I have seen some unbelievable wounds, consoled patients after difficult diagnosis, and educate patients with their healthcare. Each patient has taught me new things and realized the importance of simple hygiene.
Throwing out razors
The potential of a nick caused by a razor is a daily occurrence to either male or female. The sharp edge breaks the hair follicle at the skin leaving smooth skin. When accidents occur and the skin breaks this gives the opportunity for bacteria to enter the skin. Whenever this occurred to me I didn’t think twice about the situation, I applied pressure, waited for it to stop bleeding and went about my day. The nick can cause cellulitis or necrotizing fasciitis. Instead of the antibiotics and constant wound care, I took a more proactive approach. I buy a large pack of good disposable razors and every month it gets thrown out and a new one is used.
Moisturizing everything
The constant use of alcohol-based antibacterial soap used to clean hands in the hospital had lead to burn and dryness of hands. The hands being the part that touches everything whether gloved at work or bare skin use at home, your hands touch everything. Dry skin that eventually leads to cracks and infection, I have moisturize everything. So many examples are seen in the hospital from patients who have completely foregone skin care and end up with infection, and wounds. This practice extended to everything, legs, arms, hands, feet, and abdomen.
Overdoing wound care
Let’s continue with the skin theme for the last item here. I now over do wound care, to the next level. Even a scratch that barely broke skin now requires a soap and water wash, the antibacterial cream is added then a dressing is placed over. The days of seeing a scratch, or abrasion and leaving it as open to air are done. Now each “wound” includes wound dressing for a few days before it’s trusted to be open to air.
Wound dressing, moisturizing, and changing the personal hygiene product that have the opportunity to introduce bacteria to the skin, small things to are changed, to protect my skin and health. What are products or activities that changed for you with nursing?