In my experience as a nurse on two Medical-Surgical units, different hospitals and states. I am lucky to have experienced two great teams of managers, nurses, and CNA/techs. Unfortunately, I have seen bullying between seasoned nurses and new nurses. I have heard stories of new nurses crying at the end of their shift. In nursing school, we were told, “Nurses eat their young.” I want to draw attention to this practice and hope that while acknowledging this, we as a generation of newer nurses can remedy this to be non-existent.
An article came up on the website nurse.org, that shared a story, a nurse who committed suicide at her home in 2018 due to a stressful work environment. The article stated that up to 85% of nurses had endured some bullying at some point in their careers. This article gave information on what you can do if you or someone else is having co-worker challenges at work. Knowing the resources your hospital and your state has available, is important in keeping yourself and other coworkers safe and informed. Keep your management, union reps, and HR in communication with on-goings of the unit and the treatment of others by co-workers.
The American Nursing Association has written a position statement on bullying in the profession. ANA calls for both nurses and employers to produce “strategies and prevent(ion)” of workplace violence and bullying, and “collaborate to create a culture of respect.”
Bullying has no place in the profession of nursing. I have precepted several new nurses, and I enjoy teaching new nurses and nursing students. Every single nurse was a student at one point and had the first day. Be the person you wish you had on your first day.