Tag Archives: nursing school
Nursing Student ...
6 Items I bought after being accepted into Nursing school
***This post contains affiliate links. If you buy something through one of those links, you won’t pay a penny more, but we’ll ge [...]
4 Traits Learned from Working Retail that I brought to Nursing
Nursing, as a career takes a jack-of-all-trades. You can go to school and finish top of your class and be a horrible nurse. There are so [...]
5 Financial Obligations I Didn’t Budget for in Nursing School
The excitement of that acceptance letter into the Nursing school regardless of your first try of enrollment, or finding your proper fit, is [...]
5 Reasons why I am waiting on my Masters
Nursing is my second career. It wasn’t until I was 29 years old that I was accepted into my nursing program. I received my associa [...]
RN-to-BSN ...
4 Consideration when finding an RN-to-BSN program
The day of my pinning, I was so proud. I had finished the hardest two years of school that I have ever endured. The next year included t [...]